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Monday, April 29, 2013

Leveling Up?

Happy Monday Ya'll!
So today I had a meeting with The Munchkin Princess' new coaches for the Summer. She has been selected to train wit the next level above her in preparation for training at a higher level in the Fall. Just to explain things a little there are some level name changes happening this Fall during competition season nationally. So all of the girls currently training on the Level 4 team will be competing on the "new" Level 3 come Fall. It will still be all the same skills expected of the old Level 4 but because USAG is doing away with Level 1 all of the other skill levels and being bumped down a level in terms of their names.
So, The Munchkin Princess is being groomed to skip competing at Level 3 in the Fall and jump right into Level 4 competitions. This is really exciting for all of us. It also will be a big adjustment for all of us. This level increase will demand more time, money, and energy from the whole family. But I know we will make it happen and our little star is going to shine. I am beyond proud and I know that even though being put into the new training group for the Summer doesn't guarantee she will actually end up competing at Level 4 in the Fall; she will be step up to the challenge and do beautifully. Because after all it's her love and she has nothing else expected of her but to do her best and her best has prove to be amazing. Here's to recognized talent and being given the chance to grow.
Fly High and Stick It Ya'll

Your word/phrase of the day (this one The Munchkin Princess is working on):
Kip - kip is a basic skill on the women's uneven barsThe kip is an important skill that is used as both a mount and an element or connecting skill in a bar routine. The kip allows the gymnast to swing below the bar to arrive in a front support on the bar. From the front support, the gymnast may then perform any number of skills. The glide kip is the most commonly used mount on the women's uneven bars.

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