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Monday, February 4, 2013

Over / Under

I'm sitting in the lobby of the gym, watching another training session, and I find myself wondering if I underestimated my daughter's ability to adjust to the life and training of a competitive team? Would it have just been better to toss her in and let her sink or swim? I know that's when I tend to shine best; when I'm thrown to the wolves. But I feared that she may have been overwhelmed with a new gym location, a new coach, a new team, a new training regimen, new expectations in performance, and newly competing. I was afraid with all of that Level 4 may have been her last advancement even though she loves gymnastics so much. But there I go again, probably underestimating her. If I know deep down how much she loves her sport, why would I think that such things would deter her from continuing? Maybe I try to keep her as the reserved little one that she was before gymnastics, but in the gym she is in her element. She is her most true self and has her whole world open, accepting, and performing for all to see with no inhibitions.
I also fear that I may have overestimated the competitive nature of this particular program. I guess my understanding of "easing into competition" and the coach's understanding are two different things. I feel as though things are going in slow motion with the training and skill advancement on this team. But I think I'm just so anxious to see The Munchkin Princess actually compete that I'm forgetting it has only been a month since she joined the team and the coach did in fact say that the first month would consist primarily of strength & conditioning and that they wouldn't really work on skills much until the second month. The whole idea of watching my child win or lose makes my antsy. Even if it were softball or track I would still be super wound up about her showing what she's got as long as she was happy doing so. I think I'm just so proud to see her grow and mature that in my head she's already at the next stage. But this is really spilling over from life altogether for me not just in gymnastics. "Deep breaths Mom, slow down or it will all pass you by"

The word for today is: Tuck
A position in which the knees and hips are bent and drawn into the chest; the body is folded at the waist.

The Munchkin Princess briefly began working on this skill last week; to be more specific she started working on a handstand into a back tuck. She caught me off guard with the few attempts that she made at this skill that I didn't catch it on video, but I did manage to get her tuck set up training.
Let's hope this time the video plays for everyone. Thanks for joining me, fly high and stick it...but don't rush it ya'll. 


  1. How did you discover the gym was her element? Did you try other extracurriculars before? I'm looking forward to another vid. She looked like a natural on the one I saw on fb.

    Keep chronicling!

    1. We did try Tae Kwon Do in Kindergarten and realized that she was good at it, until it came time to spar LOL. But we decided to place her in gymnastics because she was constantly leaping off the furniture, hanging upside down from anything that could hold her weight, and had already taught herself how to do a simple somersault and cartwheel in our living room.
      Thanks for the comment Cardessa!
